Andrii Portnov on the Winter Academy “Beyond History and Identity”
Andrii Portnov describes in the video the first event organized by the Berlin-Brandenburg Ukrainian Initiative – the Winter Academy “Beyond History and Identity. New Perspectives on Aesthetics, Politics, and Society in Eastern Europe” (2-12 December 2015, Berlin) which gathered more than 20 scholars from 14 countries for intellectual exchange, interdisciplinary discussion of the individual research projects and participation in a number of public events. Summarizing the experiences of the Winter Academy A. Portnov poses a number of questions: When and how interdisciplinary approach truly makes sense? What do cultural belonging and political commitment mean in current intellectual debates? How many faces have the inequality in Academia and what challenges does it pose for the international dialogue? The interview has been made for Ab Imperio, the English/Russian network for Empire and Nationalism Studies.
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Academies Editorial Board (18. Januar 2016). Andrii Portnov on the Winter Academy “Beyond History and Identity” TRANSREGIONAL ACADEMIES. Abgerufen am 15. September 2024 von