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Spaces of Art Participants and Program

Spaces of Art: Concepts and Impacts In and Outside of Latin America

26 October-03 November 2019, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City

Program Brochure

Participants & Projects


Bilbao, Ana, (U of York) Can Museums Learn from Small Visual Arts Organisations (SVAOs)?: Transregional Curating in the Global South
Bohnenblust, Laura, (U Bern) ARTE FLOTANTE – ARTE RODANTE

Travelling exhibitions in the Art of Argentina around 1956

Carbonell, Prospero, (U de los Andes) The Mural Paintings of the House of the Founder of Tunja: Marcs of Nobility Viewed from the Perspective of a “Global Renaissance”
De Oliveira Elias, Tatiane (Porto U) Urban Spaces in Brazilian contemporary art
Demori, Lara, (Philadelphia Museum of Art) Maternal “Artivism”: mapping the political body in Latin American women artists (‘70s – ‘80s)
Dos Santos Salvat, Ana Paula, (U of Sao Paulo) The City as Exhibition Space: A Decolonial Approach from the Zócalo, Mexico City
Drosos, Nikolas, (Getty Research Institute) Mexican Muralism in the Soviet Union and its Satellites
Eqeiq, Amal, (Williams College) Art and Indigenous Performance: A Story of Three Zapatista Muralists
Esquivel, Savannah, (U of Chicago) Walking with the Dead in a Colonial Mexican Monastery
Fasce, Pablo, (UNSAM) The aesthetic imagination and the Andean world. Itineraries and exchanges of artists through the Argentinian northwest region, Bolivia and Peru (1910-1955)
Gallipoli, Milena, (UNSAM) The Louvre in America: Plaster cast’s purchases and consumptions from the museum’s Atelier de Moulage by the end of the nineteenth century
Jonker, Matthijs (Bibliotheca Hertziana, (Max Planck Institute for Art History) Negotiating the Representation of Natural History between Mexico and Europe
Núñez Méndez, Elsaris, (UNAM) Sacred Marvel: Space and Prayer at the Ochavo Chapel in the Cathedral of Puebla
Rey Marquez, Juan Ricardo, (UNTREF) The Genesis of the Geography of Plants, a Case of 18th Century Visual Epistemology in Hispanic America
Rodrigues de Barros, Diogo (U of Montreal) Latin America in its Culture: history of an intellectual network under the auspices of the UNESCO
Ruckdeschel, Annabel, (DFK Paris) Studying the art center inside out: Paris-Montparnasse in Latin America
Vanegas Carrasco, Carolina (UNSAM) Memory dynamics in monuments and counter-monuments in Colombia
Vietmeier, Melanie, (Nantes) Echos from the Andes: National Imaginaries and Cosmopolitan Identities in Peruvian Modern Art and Textile Design