Spaces of Art: Concepts and Impacts In and Outside of Latin America
26 October-03 November 2019, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City
Participants & Projects
Bilbao, Ana, (U of York) | Can Museums Learn from Small Visual Arts Organisations (SVAOs)?: Transregional Curating in the Global South |
Bohnenblust, Laura, (U Bern) | ARTE FLOTANTE – ARTE RODANTE
Travelling exhibitions in the Art of Argentina around 1956 |
Carbonell, Prospero, (U de los Andes) | The Mural Paintings of the House of the Founder of Tunja: Marcs of Nobility Viewed from the Perspective of a “Global Renaissance” |
De Oliveira Elias, Tatiane (Porto U) | Urban Spaces in Brazilian contemporary art |
Demori, Lara, (Philadelphia Museum of Art) | Maternal “Artivism”: mapping the political body in Latin American women artists (‘70s – ‘80s) |
Dos Santos Salvat, Ana Paula, (U of Sao Paulo) | The City as Exhibition Space: A Decolonial Approach from the Zócalo, Mexico City |
Drosos, Nikolas, (Getty Research Institute) | Mexican Muralism in the Soviet Union and its Satellites |
Eqeiq, Amal, (Williams College) | Art and Indigenous Performance: A Story of Three Zapatista Muralists |
Esquivel, Savannah, (U of Chicago) | Walking with the Dead in a Colonial Mexican Monastery |
Fasce, Pablo, (UNSAM) | The aesthetic imagination and the Andean world. Itineraries and exchanges of artists through the Argentinian northwest region, Bolivia and Peru (1910-1955) |
Gallipoli, Milena, (UNSAM) | The Louvre in America: Plaster cast’s purchases and consumptions from the museum’s Atelier de Moulage by the end of the nineteenth century |
Jonker, Matthijs (Bibliotheca Hertziana, (Max Planck Institute for Art History) | Negotiating the Representation of Natural History between Mexico and Europe |
Núñez Méndez, Elsaris, (UNAM) | Sacred Marvel: Space and Prayer at the Ochavo Chapel in the Cathedral of Puebla |
Rey Marquez, Juan Ricardo, (UNTREF) | The Genesis of the Geography of Plants, a Case of 18th Century Visual Epistemology in Hispanic America |
Rodrigues de Barros, Diogo (U of Montreal) | Latin America in its Culture: history of an intellectual network under the auspices of the UNESCO |
Ruckdeschel, Annabel, (DFK Paris) | Studying the art center inside out: Paris-Montparnasse in Latin America |
Vanegas Carrasco, Carolina (UNSAM) | Memory dynamics in monuments and counter-monuments in Colombia |
Vietmeier, Melanie, (Nantes) | Echos from the Andes: National Imaginaries and Cosmopolitan Identities in Peruvian Modern Art and Textile Design |